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Eixo Digital is an IT company based in Portugal and focused on the international market. Over the past ten years we have created and developed a number of partnerships and business relationships and have built a solid reputation by consistently delivering bespoke software projects on time and within budget.
A very good example of this is the completion of Inmarsat’s Dynamic Telemetry Service (DTS), a completely new platform that will allow several companies to create and sell telemetry value added services.
Eixo Digital is a certified European Space Agency supplier, with proven experience in the field of satellite communication IT projects and also a satellite service provider, providing voice and high-speed data services to almost anywhere on the planet – on land, at sea and in the air.
Eixo Digital, Lda
Parque Industrial das Carrascas
Centro de Empresas Maquijig
Estrada Nacional 252, km 11,5
2950-402 Palmela, Portugal
GPS: N38,595835 W8,894742